Discord Overlay

Dec 22, 2023

A lot of people seem to have trouble running the discord overlay on DAOC. Here are two methods to try and solve that.

Run Discord as Administrator

This should be tried first, as it's easy and fast.

Many programs have troubles interacting with DAOC if they're not running as administrator. For most people, this should be enough, and should allow you to display the discord overlay in DAOC.

Overlay Host

This method is a little bit more intricate, but should work no matter what.

It's also nifty to know how to use as it will always work, no matter what you want your overlay to be displayed on, and allows you to move the overlay around freely.

Download this little tool hosted on Github, and follow the instructions. The way it works is by allowing you to hook Discord to a transparent window that you can display on top of DAOC or anything else.