Sobekite Eternal

Mar 22, 2024

What is it?

Sobekite Eternal is a completely unique, Eden-only custom dungeon built to challenge a group of 8 adventurers.
There are 8 bosses, each with a set of abilities and skills that will require the participation and coordination of all group members.

To start your journey, talk to the King of your realm. He will have a quest called Seeking the Sobekite, and after this short pre-quest, you will be able to go to the docks of your main Shrouded Isles town, and talk to the Dockmaster there to teleport directly into the dungeon.


There are two types of rewards from this dungeon: Luna Coins and item drops.

Luna Coins are a unique currency that can be exchanged 1 to 1 to any other raid currency in your realm. This means that at any point of time, it will always be the most valuable currency available! You get about 300 from the bosses, and about 600 from doing the repeatable quest for the dungeon, which has a 4h cooldown (triggering after turning the quest in).

The bosses from Sobekite can drop any loot from any end game boss. This includes dragon loot, DF loot, SH loot, etc. In addition, the randomly generated objects from Sobekite are unique to it, and are the highest utility ROGs in the game (up to 134 witnessed on Herja's loot, the last boss of the dungeon).

Boss Mechanics

Sobekite Matriarch

Boss Health Mechanic
80% Spawn — Matriarch Summoners (3)
60% Spawn — Matriarch Summoners (3)
40% Spawn — Matriarch Summoners (3)
20% Spawn — Matriarch Summoners (3)
15% Spawn — Sobekite Forefathers


Boss Health Mechanic
95% Spawn — Frost Minions
87% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
74% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
65% Spawn — Frost Giants
61% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
49% Frost Giants — Despawn
48% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
35% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
33% Spawn — Frost Giants
22% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice
17% Spawn — Frost Minions
16% Frost Giants — Despawn
10% Spawn — Frost Reserves
Between 5-9% Cast — Devastating Wave of Ice


Boss Health Mechanic
92% Cast — Triton Storm
84% Cast — Triton Storm
76% Cast — Triton Storm
68% Cast — Triton Storm
60% Cast — Triton Storm
52% Cast — Triton Storm
44% Cast — Triton Storm
36% Cast — Triton Storm
30% PBAOE Starts
28% Cast — Triton Storm
20% Cast — Triton Storm
12% Cast — Triton Storm
4% Cast — Triton Storm


Boss Health Mechanic
70% Spawn — Luna's Furious Puppy
45% Starts — Stun casts
30% Starts — Siphon casts
20% Starts — Mez casts


Boss Health Mechanic
80% Spawn — 1 Sphinx at E tunnel
70% Spawn — Matriarch Forefathers (3)
60% Spawn — 2 Sphinx, E and SE tunnels
40% Spawn — 2 Sphinx, E and SE tunnels
20% Spawn — 3 Sphinx, E, SE and NE tunnels

Aqua Captain

Boss Health Mechanic
90% Spawn — Sapper Spawn (1)
65% Spawn — Sapper or Lieutenant (2-4)
50% Spawn — Sapper or Lieutenant (2-4)
15% Spawn — Sapper or Lieutenant (2-4)
Random? Spawn — Yellow Water Dogs


Boss Health Mechanic
85% Muffler
83% Matroyoshka
70% Muffler
66% Matroyoshka
55% Muffler
49% Matroyoshka
40% Muffler
32% Matroyoshka
25% Muffler
15% Matroyoshka
10% Muffler


Boss Health Mechanic
90% Lullaby (PBAE Mezz)
85% Wrath
83% Fury
80% Crystals + Spawn — Matroyoshka
75% Guardians of Eir
70% Wrath
66% Fury
60% Lullaby (PBAE Mezz)
55% Wrath
49% Fury
40% Wrath
39% Spawn — Matroyoshka, Shaman of Vanaheim
32% Fury
30% Lullaby (PBAE Mezz)
25% Wrath
15% Fury
12% Bifrost broadcast announcement
10% Wrath + Bifrost mobs — DPS Race