
For many players, siegecraft is intimidating. But there's really no reasons for it to be! It's actually super simple, you just need a few pointers.

Leveling Siegecraft

To craft and deploy all siege weapons, you only need about ~215 in Siegecraft. It's a cheap and fast craft to level up, and very useful to have on hand in the frontiers.

No lengthy guide, here. Simply focusing on crafting the various ammunitions, and you'll be up to 220 in no time.

How to use

Siege Tower

Siege Towers (SGT) are used to get up on keep walls.

To put one down, you need to:

  1. Craft a Siege Tower Apparatus.
  2. Find a Hook Point around the keep. They are bright coloured circles hovering over the ground, next to the walls.
  3. Simply click on the Hook Point. You'll see the phantom of the siege tower appear.
  4. Someone, anyone of the realm, has to stay under the siege tower for it to keep being built. This doesn't have to be the person who put it down!

Siege Tent

Siege Tents allow the fortified versions of siege apparatuses to be deployed in the area.

To put one down, you need to:

  1. Craft a Siege Tent Kit.
  2. Find a Hook Point inside the keep or around its closest tower. They are small, bright coloured spheres on the ground.
  3. Simply click on the Hook Point. The tent will appear instantly.


Rams are the primary tool to take down doors, whether they're of towers, keep walls, or inner keeps. Two main versions exist:

To put one down, you need to:

  1. Craft a Field/Fortified War Ram Apparatus.
  2. Stand close-ish to a door, but not too close or you won't have space to actually deploy the ram.
  3. Use Deploy Field/Fortified War Ram. This will put down the ram instantly.

To use a ram as a driver, you need to:

  1. Be the first person to hop on it.
  2. Target the door.
  3. In the little utility window that pops on, first click move.
  4. Once the ram is in place, click aim.
  5. After aiming, the ram will automatically start preparing the first swing. You need to wait for that second loading bar before actually using the swing button.
  6. Swing every time the loading bar is finished!


Basically all the other contraptions work somewhat the same, although they obviously are each use for different goals. Like Rams, they exist in Field and Fortified versions; the later one being better, but requiring a Siege Tent in the area.

In each case, the procedure to put one down is the same:

  1. Craft the Apparatus variant of the weapon.
  2. Use the Deploy variant of the weapon. This will put it down instantly.