
What is Salvage in DAoC?

Primary and Secondary Crafting Skills

There are two types of crafts in Dark Age of Camelot: primary and secondary skills.

Primary skills allow you to craft actually useful items, from consumables to equipment pieces.

Secondary skills almost only craft useless items usually refer to as “trinkets” (with some exceptions, like furniture or mount armor). However, these skills also determine what level of item you can salvage or not.

There are four secondary skills: Woodworking, Metalworking, Leatherworking, Clothworking.

Salvage Items

Outside of some exceptions (unique items and the sort), almost all armours and weapons can be salvaged. Accessories, however, cannot be salvaged: jewels, accessories, rings, bracers, belts, cloaks, necklaces, mythirians.

When you salvage an item, you will receive metal, wood, leather or fabric based on the item itself, and your skill level in that particular type of item. While you can techncially salvage every single possible item at around ~800 in these secondary skills, but the higher you are, the more chances you have to salvage more resources.

Selling these materials will be a net worth gain over simply selling the item itself.


The useless items crafted with the secondary skills, the trinkets, are actually worth sold back at the vendor than simply selling the materials they are made of. Their recipe is always simple, either 1, 2 or 20 of a single resource, with some additional thread for leather and cloth.

If you also spend time crafting trinkets (often called "trinketing"), you'll maximize your profits from salvaging, with a massive ratio. While I can't confirm any number myself, I've read it ranges around 400%-1500% more benefits than simply selling the item dropped from mobs.

About Cloth and Leather trinketing

Cloth and leather trinkets require to buy threads from the vendor, and thus have a much lower return than metal and wood, and most people don’t bother trinketing these, instead simply selling the fabric and leather itself.

This being said, they still are worth more than their materials, so if you have the time and will to figure it out, you'll still make more money than if you aren't doing it.

Salvage Leveling Guide

This guide will take you from 0 all the way up to 1100 in all the salvaging skills.

You can technically salvage every single possible item at around ~800 in these skills, but the higher you are, the more chance you have to salvage more resources. With craft skills being shared amongst all characters of your realm on Eden and being saved between seasons, this is absolutely worth your time.

Faster Crafting

Before you embark into this journey, I highly recommend you get yourself a Crafting Suit. This will make the entire process twice as fast!

Craft Order

To optimize your time and money, you absolutely have to follow this order to level up your crafts:

  1. Alchemy: 1-380
  2. Clothworking: 1-380
  3. Leatherworking: 1-380
  4. Woodworking: 1-380
  5. Metalworking: 1-380
  6. Fletcher: 1-500
  7. Tailoring: 1-400
  8. Weaponcrafting: 1-380
  9. Armorcrafting: 1-380

What am I crafting?


See my Alchemy Leveling Guide for the list of best items to craft to level to 380 (and further).

Secondary Skills

For Clothworking, Leatherworking, Woodworking and Metalworking, simply craft the next orange trinket available. All trinkets basically cost the same per item, with few exceptions that don't matter that much at this level. The one exception is probably Metalworking, where Brackets are cheaper than the other items.


Only craft arrows:


Only craft leather gloves and boots. There are three types of them, which you need to alternate between as you rise in skill:


Alternate between the cheapest kind of weapons available. Round shields, for example, are available in all three realms, and way cheaper than the other shields. For the rest, they vary a lot between realms, and it's more up in the air between what is fast, what is cheap, what is easy, etc.


Only craft studded leather gloves and boots. There are three types of them, which you need to alternate between as you rise in skill:

Salvage Tips

Darkness Falls Salvaging

General idea

Basically, you want to always buy the cheapest metal weapon available.
It will give the most metal bar / seal, and thus maximise value.


Type of Seals Price Item Confirmed?
Emerald 21 Emerald Dirk
Saphire 32 Saphire Breastplate
Diamond 15 Diamond Longsword


Type of Seals Price Item Confirmed?
Emerald 20 Avernal great hammer
Saphire 21 Spiked Axe
Diamond 15 Spinded Axe


Type of Seals Price Item Confirmed?
Emerald 26 Emerald exceptional Avernal Hauberk
Saphire 32 Saphire Daemon-forged Hauberk
Diamond 15 Exquisite Infernal Malison Broadsword