Respawn Timers

Respawn table


While most of these are confirmed, some are uncertain and no one has been able to give me a straight answer. The uncertain ones are the Artifact Encounters, the CL5 Dungeons, and the SI Dungeon Bosses.

All respawn times on Eden are always plus or minus 20% of target time. This table shows both the target, the minimum and the maximum for easier use.

Encounter Minimum (-20%) Official Timer Maximum (+20%)
Adult Dragon 4 h 48 min 6 h 7 h 12 min
Epic Dungeon Bosses 4 h 48 min 6 h 7 h 12 min
Legion 3 h 12 min 4 h 4 h 48 min
Darkness Falls Bosses 48 min 1 h 1 h 12 min
Summoner's Hall Bosses 1 h 36 min 2 h 2 h 24 min
Artifact Encounters 1 h 36 min 2 h 2 h 24 min
Celestius 1 h 36 min 2 h 2 h 24 min
CL5 Dungeons 24 min 30 min 36 min
SI Dungeon Bosses 24 min 30 min 36 min
Mini Dragons 24 min 30 min 36 min
Megalodon 24 min 30 min 36 min
The Great Hunt's Bosses 24 min 30 min 36 min
Bounty Targets 4 min 48 sec 6 min 7 min 12 sec

Detailed list of each type of content