Albion — Avalon City

 Mimimum Level 40+
 Requirements  None
 Repeatable  Yes
 Amount of People Required  About 3-4 Full Groups
 Rewards  Full level of experience | 100 gold | One of three Mythirians


Sys'sro the Ruthless

Underground, go into the ruined tower and down the stairs.

Dura'ek The Empowered

Kill all the adds first.

Weno'iak the Enlighted

Inside the stable-like building. Stay in the courtyards, pull all the adds first, and finally the boss from the inside of the building.

Dra'argus The Mighty

The boss is downstairs, and needs to be tanked there. Won't take any damage until the Dray'gyn Sphere is killed.
Everyone else must be upstairs killing the Sphere first, before going back down to the boss tiself.

Vera'erius the Brave

He's up in the ruined tower. Simply burn, no mechanic.