Kobold Undercity

What is it?

Custom Eden Dungeon

Using the Kobold Undercity zone from the Catacombs expac as a backdrop, this is an entirely custom instance built from the ground up for Eden with unique encounters.

Five Person Group

Unlike Sobekite, this is meant for a group of 5 people. The entire dungeon was thought out to be less restrictive on group composition and along with the smaller group size, the hope is to allow more people to enjoy it!

High Utility ROGs & Exclusive Cosmetics

Like Sobekite, this dungeon's bosses drop high utility (100+) ROGs, with high chance for double proc weapons. You can also find exclusive cosmetics (armor skin sets and weapon glows) as well as Luna Coins, which can be exchange 1 to 1 to any other raid currency.

How to Unlock it

To unlock Kobold Undecity, first talk to the Kobold Grandmaster situated at the entrance of the Catacomb zones in your respective capital city.
Kobold Grandmaster Locations
You'll have a short quest to complete, which requires killing the Hexmaster, an orange con mob (at level 50) with relatively low HP but high poison damage. Some classes will be able to solo it, but it would be safer to go at least as a duo.
Finally, go back to the Kobold Grandmaster to complete the quest.
Hexmaster Locations
To enter KU, gather your party at the Kobold Grandmaster in your capital city, and talk to him!

Prefered Group Setup


As of 21st of March 2023, on release, KU is extremely bugged for Necromancers's pets. Until this is resolved, this is the one class I would tell you not to play.

This has been asked a lot. There isn't really one!

KU was designed to be much more accessible than Sobekite Eternal. There are very few DPS races, and an optimal combo of debuffing classes isn't necessary to cheese mechanic and make it through. During testing, groups full of melee classes, or even packing stealthers were doing fine.

You will most likely need a tank (any class capable of sustaining large slaps of damage and taunting), a heal, some cure disease, and at least one person capable of ranged DPS (doesn't need to be massive either), and preferably some combination of CC between mezz and root, but otherwise... go on and test it on weird and interesting new setups!

Run Through

Mechanic Cheat Sheet

You know the fights, but just need a reminder of when each mechanic happens at a glance?
Download or open the full resolution cheat sheet here: Cheat Sheet
cheat sheet

A note on Trash Mobs

While there is very little trash mobs in this place, some groups actually hurt pretty hard, so I decided to make a little note on them.
In multiple places in the dungeon, Entangler Mushrooms are somewhat "hidden" (behind rocks, on top of structures, etc). If left to cast, they will AOE root for 1 minute. This has no effect other than being annoying, so once you spot them, just blast them and prevent them from casting.

Before Hexa: Terracite Squires and Witchdoctor

Before Siegemaster: Terracite Squire, Tangler and Witchdoctor

There's a single tangler on the left JUST at the entrance of the corridor where the Terracites are, kill it before it sees you.
Since the Tanglers can get mezzed, this boils down to the same as the previous paragraph, with one less Squire.

Before Termina: Sentinels and Ancient


Amnesia and pets

For most of these encounters, an amnesia spam is triggered all around the boss in a ~1600 range. This is meant to keep all players in combat and kill all animist and theurgist pets.
Healing classes can usually cast at higher range than that, and thus stay out of combat while healing to keeping their power regen.


Boss Health Mechanic
90% Move・Decide Fate
78% Spawn・Eels
75% Spawn・Hexmasters
60% Move・Decide Fate
58% Spawn・Eels
50% Spawn・Hexmasters
38% Spawn・Eels
30% Move・Decide Fate
25% Spawn・Hexmasters
15% Spawn・Eels
10% Move・Decide Fate

Hexmasters: two adds will spawn in the arena, one on each side of the platform the boss starts on. They AOE stun and poison, so they need to be CC'd and killed.

Eels: multiple adds spawn in semi-random locations in the water, based on time and not Boss Health. They remains at their spot and blast pbaoe around them; find a safe spot quickly. Don't try to kill them, they'll disappear by themselves.

Fire will spawn in the water; do not stand in it.

Decide Fate: each player has to either stay on the ground or be in water:

To get out of the water in the center, you have to dive all the way down, go into one of the tunnels to the side of the pool, and go all the way back near the entrance to find a place to climb out of the water.


Boss Health Mechanic
75% Change to 2nd Phase
50% Change to 3rd Phase
25% Change to 4th Phase
10% Change to 5th Phase

1st Phase

Boss will regularly target the furthest player and cast a Boulder on them. While it can't detonate right as it spawns, after it accelerates, any player it touches will set it to explode and it's a one-shot aoe around the boulder. It needs to be kited.

2nd Phase・Circular platform

Boss will summon circular fire walls around her. They will not despawn with time. She needs to be kited slowly around the platform.

3rd Phase・Boulder Bridge

Boss goes back to summon Boulders. In this phase, the Boulders can be targeted and destroyed like regular enemies. Tank needs to keep her on one edge of the bridge, while the casters need to be on the other edge, to give time to kill the boulder before it reaches them.

4th Phase・Fire Bridge

DPS Race! Get the boss to 10% HP as fast as possible. She will summon massive fire rings around her every few seconds. You will run out of space rapidly if you don't get her HP down fast enough.

4th Phase・Kobold House

There isn't much there anymore. Two Priests spawn and need to be killed or CC'd, but otherwise, no more mechanics to deal with, simply kill Hexa.


Boss Health Mechanic
75% Spawn・Terracite Witchdoctor
50% Spawn・Terracite Witchdoctor
25% Spawn・Terracite Witchdoctor

Do you like snowballs? Because this is where you play with snowballs!

Ignis will periodically grow in size, doing more damage with every swing. To counter this, players need to spam use the Crystallised Snowballs that can be found in their inventory after killing the (easy to kill) orange adds that spawn behind the three doors adjacent to the boss.

Terracite Witchdoctors will spawn on the boss. They need to be dealt with swiftly as their aoe mezz can really screw the group.

Ignis sometimes pbaoe mezzes, in a wide range around him. Casters and healers should stay at max range to avoid it and be able to demezz the rest of the group.

Ignis sometimes AOE stun on a target. This will be notified in region chat.


Boss Health Mechanic
90% Move・Hurricane
87% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
85% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
80% Move・Hurricane
74% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
72% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
70% Move・Hurricane
60% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
58% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
50% Move・Hurricane
48% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
44% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
40% Move・Hurricane
35% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
30% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
Move・Swarm of Add
22% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
20% Move・Hurricane
16% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid
10% Move・Hurricane
9% Spawn・Emergency Repair Droid
3% Spawn・Inhibitor Droid

During the entire fight, Mekanikz will summon a Hurricane underneath it, symbolized by a glowing red circle. After a few seconds, this will buff the boss if it's still in range, and its damage will be too difficult to tank through. You need to kite the boss around the arena.

Emergency Repair Droid: will spawn on the boss. It can be mezzed, but it'll eventually need to be killed before it heals the boss.

Inhibitor Droid: will spawn on one of the ranged players of the group. Every few seconds, it'll silence the entire group. It needs to be stunned and killed as soon as possible.

At 30% HP, Mekanikz summons a Swarm of small robots who will rush to every party member and spam pbaoes that do very little damage, but keep interrupting everyone. To bypass this, the Kobold Grandmaster tells you that they can help you — stand very close to the Kobold fountain above the boss: it gives you a MoC effect, making you uninterruptible. This also coincides with the spawn of an Inhibitor Droid.


Boss Health Mechanic
92% Move・Bubble
80% Teleports to the other side
Starts of 2nd Phase
75% Spawn・Brutalizers at Boss spawn
60% Spawn・Spirits of Hexa
Start of 3rd Phase
50% Spawn・Longbowmen on the Wall
40% Teleports to the other side
Starts of 4th Phase
35% Spawn・Brutalizers at Boss spawn
20% Spawn・Spirits of Hexa
Start of 5th Phase
16% Move・Bubble
11% Spawn・Brutalizers on top of players

During phase 2, 4 and 5, Siege Brutalizers will spawn. These mobs have massive health pool and slap for a lot of damage, but move very slowly. They can be mezzed and rooted, and will end up disappearing after a set amount of time, regardless of the boss' current health or phase.

1st Phase

This phase is mostly tank and spank. At some point, a large bubble will spawn on a player — the entire group needs to run into it, to protect themselves from the large aoe damage from the boss.

2nd Phase・Catapult Phase

The boss teleports himself on the other side of the wall, and puts a massive damage absorption shield on himself. You're left alone on the wrong side of the wall with... catapults!
Note how each catapult has a dead Minotaur next to it, of a different type. The same dead Minotaurs are found on the side where the boss is.

Both the tank and healer can use the catapult first to go join the boss. Their goal is to move him on top of one of the Minotaurs, and call for the other players to use the corresponding catapult. Their impact on the boss is the only real way to damage him — repeat by running over the wall again and again until the boss summons Spirits of Hexa. At this point, you need to run back to the other side of the wall to avoid getting smashed by boulders, and phase 3 starts.

3rd Phase

This is a repeat of phase 1. Don't forget about hiding inside the bubble, and you'll be fine.

4th Phase・Catapult Phase

This is a repeat of phase 2, but this time 3-4 Brutalizers will spawn. They need to be CC'd or the DPS running back to the catapults will have problems.

5th Phase

This is mostly a repeat of phase 1 and 3, with the exceptions that Brutalizers will once again spawn, this time right on top of players. Casters should have their Blade Turn on at this point to avoid dying by mistake. Again, they can be mezzed and rooted to keep DPSing the boss.


Boss Health Mechanic
~ 80% Spawn・Cobras
~ 60% Spawn・Cobras
~ 40% Spawn・Cobras
~ 25% Spawn・Cobras
~ 5% Spawn・Cobras

Before starting the fight, look around:

As soon as the fight start, engage the add at the entrance. She doesn't need to be tanked, simply DPS her to death. As soon as she dies, someone in the party will get a Flute in their inventory, that they need to start using.

Throughout the fight, totems will spawn directly on players, and start spamming an effect in an area around them after a few seconds. These can be instantly killed by a single use of the Flute.

At various moment during the fight, a massive amount of Sprinter Cobras (red serpents) will be spawned around the room and rush to attack the players. Unlike others, this mechanic has a variance, and doesn't seem to always happen at the exact same HP threshold, but around the values listed above.
The only reasonable to deal with them is for the Flute player to target the Splinter Cobra that is amongst them, and cast on it. It acts as a bomb that will destroys all the other cobras and all the totems. The Splinter Cobra has a different model from the others: it is blue, with a wide, triangular hood. It also always spawn on top of a player — everyone being close to each other can help.