DAoC Glossary

Jan 09, 2025


MMO Expressions

Very general terms used throughout the genre. If you're familiar with games like World of Warcraft, you've probably heard all of them before.

Alt — An "alternate" character; a character a player might not play as much as their main, or that is newer.

AoE — Area of Effect. A spell that affects a zone. There are multiple types of AoEs:

DPS — Damage Per Second, but usually used to refer to any player character whose main role is to deal damage.

Farm — Accumulating gold, items, currency or anything specific by performing a repetitive activity.

Healer — A player character whose main role is to keep the group alive by healing its players. In DAoC, it's also the name of a Midgard class, potentially creating some confusion.

Instance — Refers to a space separated from the rest of the game world, where only a certain set of players, usually of a single group, can enter. Multiple instances of the same place can exist at the same time.

LoS — Line of Sight. Most attacks and spells can only be done on a target you have line of sight with. LoS can be broken by some elements of decor (rocks, buildings, terrain) but might be ignored by others (trees, tents).

Mob — A creature controlled by the game, either hostile or neutral but potentially a target of a player's attacks.

Newbie or Noob — A player new to a game.

NPC — A creature controlled by the game, friendly, usually the type that can be interacted with in some way or is simply in the game to make it look lively.

PL — Powerlevel. When high level characters take along lower level characters to do some sort of content that will provide them large amount of experience in a short time.

PvE — Player versus Environment. Some type of content where players fight "the environment", which can be any combination of traps, mobs, events...

PvP — Player versus Player. Some type of content where players fight other actual players.

ROG — Random Object Generator. Refers to any dropped item that was randomly generated, instead of being a unique item part of a set loot table.

Tank — A player character focused on defence and keeping the enemy's attention to absorb hits, as well as protect the rest of the group.

DAoC Specific

Vocabulary specific to DAoC game mechanics or systems.

BG — Depending on context, can either be:

Cata — Catacombs, one of the game's expansions. Can refer to the zones added by that expansion as well. Eden does not implement those PvE zones currently.

CL — Champion Level. An additional way of progressing a character past level 50, added in the Darkness Rising expansion. These exist in a custom version on Eden.

DC or LD — Disconnected, or "Link Dead".

FG — Full Group. Refers to a full group of 8 players. This can be elaborated with the realm of said group when in RvR: fgm for a full group of Midgard players, fgh for Hibernia, and fga for Albion.

ML — Master Level. An additional way of progressing a character past level 50, added in ToA. Eden currently does not implement MLs.

RvR — Realm versus Realm. A version of PvP content specific to DAoC, where players fight all the players of the other two realms with the help of all the players of their own realm. This type of content takes place in maps also containing mobs, bosses, NPCs and such, making it a unique blend of PvP and PvE rare in other MMORPGs.

SI — Shrouded Isle, the first expansion of DAoC. Usually refers to the zones added with that expansion, in opposition to the "Classic" zones.

ToA — Trials of Atlantis. One of the first expansions of DAoC, which added the many zones of Atlantis, the artifacts, the dungeons such as Sobekite...

Player "Slang"

Expressions that are used often by players in chat or voice calls, but aren't present in the game itself. These are simply "good to know" to converse with other players.

Aggro — An aggressive mob that is attacking the player character. Tanks usually want to "keep aggro", while other players will usually call for others to save them from said mob.

Add and BAF — An "add" is when a mob joins the fight without the players intending to. BAF means "bring a friend", the DAoC mechanic where attacking a mob will trigger the aggro of other mobs too depending on your group's size.

AJ — "Ass Jam", an RvR tactic where a third realm takes advantage of an ongoing fight between the two other realms.

Inc — Incoming enemies.

Kite — Running away from an hostile creature or player while keeping its movement hindered to prevent it from damaging the player, while still trying to kill it (as opposed to simply fleeing).

Loop — Asking the leader of a group to run back around to catch some straggling players who lagged behind of the group, and allowing them to "stick" back on the leader.

OOM — Out of Mana. Usually said to call for a break to regenerate, or a warning to be careful.

Peel — The action of defending casters/healers from melee attackers or pets, usually by stunning, snaring or rooting the attacker.

Pull — The act of starting a fight by drawing the attention of mobs from their starting, non-combat location.

Rupt — Interrupt. Under normal circumstances, casters will be instantly interrupted upon taking any damage, but it can also include effects such as Amnesia, for example.

Spawn or Pop — When a mob reappears some times after its death.

Stick — One of the default DAOC behaviours of following another player closely. Contrary to the "follow" function, this one keeps your character in melee range of the target. This is often used by melee characters to keep at range of their target, and by groups to stick to a leader to run in a pack.

Template — A full equipment set for a character that has been carefully handpicked to optimise as many stats as possible for said character's class, spec and role. A character wearing a template is referred to as "temped" sometimes.

Timer — Refers to any effect that has a duration, and needs to be refreshed.

Zerg — The main gathering of players of a realm in the frontiers, following a single leader. While the battlegroup attached to the zerg can have groups working in tandem at a big distance, the zerg refers to the dozens or hundreds of people running together, and there's rarely more than one per realm at any one time. As a verb, this can mean to overwhelm with sheer numbers.



Epic Dungeon — The massive dungeon added for each realm in their Shrouded Isle map. Probably the hardest raids for each realm. Listen to your leaders about mechanics!

SH — Summoner's Hall. A short dungeon with many rewards, and the Grimoire Pages currency. Beware, as it's under the Passage of Conflict and shared with the other two realms!

DF — Darkness Fall. A massive dungeon shared between all three realms, with enemies starting as low level as 15. Outside of special events, only the realm controlling the most tower and keeps have access to Darkness Falls. Various high level encounters can be found in there, dropping Daemon Blood Seals, including, but not limited to:

Dragon — Your realm's Dragon, also called Drake. It will drop some Dragon Scale Caches.

Minis — Mini dragons, adolescent dragons. There are four in your realm's dragon zone, and one in each of the three frontiers.

CL5 — Refers to the Darkness Rising dungeon that will give 5 champion levels from completing the associated quest for the first time. The quest is repeatable and will give one champion level each time.


Central Keep (CK) — The contested keep at the center of each battleground.

KotH — King of the Hill. A Living Frontier event, where groups of up to 8 people fight each other in a small zone. Realms are irrelevant, only your group mates are your allies!

NF / FZ — New Frontiers / Frontier Zone. Simply a short way to talk about the Frontiers.

POC — Passage of Conflict. A dungeon under the Frontiers, with an entrance in all three central frontier zones (Breifine, Pennine Mountains and Jamtland Mountains). At its deepest lies the entrance to the Summoner's Hall.

Portal Keep (PK) — In Battlegrounds, the entry point for each realm where players get teleported. In the same fashion, in the Old Frontiers, the same expression is used to refer to the entry points of the two "attacking" realms into a realm's frontiers.



Bind — A place where a player character can choose to 'lock' their character's soul, allowing them to reappear there after death, or when using the portal ability.

Bladeturn, BT or Bubble — An effect that cancels the first melee or bow attack targeting the character. PBT is "pulsing Bladeturn", which is a chant some classes have access to that will renew the bladeturn effect every X seconds.

Buffs — Spell effects that increase a character's effectiveness. They usually disappear if the target goes too far away from the caster. They can either be for a set duration, or "permanent". In the latter case, they will disappear if the caster dies, and they consume "concentration" while active, a limited resource.

CC — Crowd Control. Any effect that reduce the target's movements or actions. There are multiple types in the game:

DD — Direct Damage. Refers to any effect that deals damage directly to a target, without delay, duration, area, etc.

DoT — Damage over Time. Refers to any effects that slowly does damage to a target, usually with a set duration and ticks every X seconds.

Debuffs — Effects applied by enemies to reduce a character's effectiveness. A lot of them are reducing a specific stat (strength, dex, combat speed...) or resist type (spirit, heat, cold..), but some have specific effects that are named for ease of comprehension:

HoT — Heal over Time. Refers to any effects that regenerate the life of someone slowly over time, ticking every X seconds.

LT — Life tap, a spell that does damage to a target then returns a percentage of that level as health to the caster.

PoM or Crack — Power (mana) regeneration effect.

Pulse — Any ability that fires off automatically every X seconds.

Speed X — The various levels of speed bonuses.

Realm Abilities

RA are abilities bought through Realm Levels. The vast majority of them are shared amongst multiple classes and realms. Here are a few useful ones to know, as they're often mentioned in battle.

BA — Bedazzling Aura. Grants the caster's group a magic absorption bonus for a limited time.

DI — Divine Intervention. Instant, massive healing shared amongst the caster's group.

LW — Long Wind. Passive ability reducing the cost of sprint, usually taken by most players to allow permanent sprint.

MCL — Mystic Crystal Lore. Instantly restores some mana to the caster, but cannot be used in combat. Raging Power is the combat version of that.

MOC — Mastery of Concentration. Makes the caster immune to interruptions for a while, at the cost of efficiency of their spells.

PR — Perfect Recovery. Instantly resurrects a player with no negative effect on them.

Purge — Removes all negative effects on the caster while keeping immunities in place.

RR5 — A way to refer to the ability unlocked by a class at Realm Rank 5. Each class has a unique ability, that isn't replicated in other realms. Their names are rarely used, instead people call them directly as a "class RR5", for exemple "theur RR5" or "sham RR5".

SOS — Speed of Sound. Allows the caster's group to keep an increased speed even if they're attacked for a few seconds. Usually pronounced something like "sauce".

TWF — Thornweed Field. Creates a field of thorns that damage and snare all enemies passing through. Usually pronounced something like "tweef".


AHK — AutoHotKey, a 3rd party program allowing one to create more or less complicated, fully automated behaviours, triggered by the press of a key. Only some features of AHK are allowed on Eden; moreover, most legal features from it are replicated with the custom system of Recorder, which should be preferred by players.

Recorder — A custom set of commands built into the Eden client, allowing to create a quick bar button that binds a sequence of actions to a single use of that button.