Crafting Slash Commands

Mar 22, 2024

Buy materials

 Commmand /craftqueue buy upto X
 Macro  /macro buy /craftqueue buy upto X

This will buy from a merchant enough material to craft X  items. The buyto flag is optional, but allows you to only buy what you need in addition of what you already have in your inventory, so I recommend it.


The command always refers to the last recipe you attempted to craft.

  1. Attempt to craft the recipe. You'll get a message saying you are missing ingredients.
  2. Target the correct merchant.
  3. Use the buy macro.

Craft multiple items

 Commmand /craftqueue X
 Macro  /macro craft /craftqueue X

This will craft the next recipe X time, failures included. I usually recommend having one with a very high number (say 500), as this will run until you run out of materials.

 Commmand /craftqueue 99%
 Macro  /macro 99% /craftqueue 99%
Authorised values 96% - 100%

This will craft the next recipe until the result is at least of the input quality.

Sell & Salvage

Be careful with these commands!

Make sure you have removed all items you don't want to sell from your backpack before using these macros!
If you make a mistake with selling, you can buy your items back from the Reclaim Item service NPC near your throne room.
There is no take back when you salvage an item, however.

Sell Macros

Error below

Because of how this website works, it can't display the correct macro nicely. You have to manually remove the space between # and bag in each of those.

 Commmand /moveitem sell # bagX
 Sell Bag 1  /macro Bag1 /moveitem sell # bag1
 Sell Bag 2  /macro Bag2 /moveitem sell # bag2
 Sell Bag 3  /macro Bag3 /moveitem sell # bag3
 Sell Bag 4  /macro Bag3 /moveitem sell # bag4
 Sell Bag 5  /macro Bag4 /moveitem sell # bag5
 Sell All Bags  /macro All /moveitem sell # allbags

Salvage Macros

 Commmand /salvagebag X UXX QXX
Salvage Bag 1 /macro Sal1 /salvagebag 1
Salvage Bag 1 if under 80 Utility /macro Sal1 /salvagebag 1 U80
Salvage Bag 1 if under 99 Quality /macro Sal1 /salvagebag 1 Q99
Salvage Bag 1 if under 80 Utility AND 99 /macro Sal1 /salvagebag 1 U80 Q99
No take backs!

You can not get an item back after salvaging it by mistake.
For this reason, there is no "salvage all bags" command.
This command will also trigger a confirmation box for each item to salvage.
If you want to bypass this confirmation, at your own risk, add force at the end of the command/macro.