Alchemy Leveling Guide

Mar 22, 2024

This should take you to LGM for ~2 plat, only using materials from the merchants.

Faster Crafting

Before you embark into this journey, I highly recommend you get yourself a Crafting Suit. This will make the entire process twice as fast!

Range Items to craft
1 – 350 Red/Orange Poisons. Dyes when not available. Craft until yellow or blue.
350 – 410 Weak elixir of healing
410 – 520 Poisons, whatever is orange/red. When reaching Lifebane: craft until grey.
520 – 555 Stable spirit alloy tincture
555 – 605 Improved elixir of power
605 – 665 Stable fire fine alloy tincture
665 – 700 Volatile cold fine allow weapon tincture
700 – 780 Crafted weapon luster remover — all the way to grey
780 – 800 Stable shard adamantium tincture
800 – 845 Regular dyes
845 – 901 Unique dyes
901 – 1000 Draught of strength (NOT greater)
1000 – 1025 Dark violet weapon luster
1025+ Draught of might (NOT greater)